Thursday 11 June 2015

Still on hols

It was very hot again today but also very windy. We had our breakfast, I had egg,bacon, 2 rolls and butter and jam, a coffee and orange juice. We then went out on our bikes. We rode 16 and a bit miles ( off road ). It was such a laugh, at one point we wanted to turn back but there was a high barrier on the other side of the road with no gap for us to pass through. So H said we would climb over it!! First he lifted the bikes over then he climbed over himself, last was my turn, well the wall was so slippery I couldn't get high enough up it to get my leg over, we were laughing so much I almost wet myself!!! I had to sit on the wall backwards and H got me under the armpits and hauled me over ( grazing the back of my leg in the process ). Thank goodness there was nobody around with a camcorder or we would be on Harry Hill. We came back had a shower and lunch, pork,sweetcorn, cauliflower cheese potato fritters and chips ( I have had chips with every meal so far ). Later we took the bikes back and we will hire them again next week , we are having a bit of a break. For dinner I had Turkey, chips, mixed veg and gravy. I had a strawberry tart for pudding and also some Mellon. I forgot to say at lunch for pud I had banana in a dark chocolate crust with cream and fresh pineapple.

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