Tuesday 7 February 2017


H and I are feeling even better today so we must be on the mend. I had a bowl of porridge for breakfast with a mug of tea and H had toast. He then did all the ironing for me while I emptied the dishwasher and made the bed. At 10.35 we left to go to the doctors so H could have his ears syringed out. He says he can hear much better now. I had a hair appointment at 12 and we only just had time to come back, eat a cream cracker and go off again for me to get my hair sorted. It looks much better now so I feel better. It was 1.40 when we left there and we went along the road to a local K F C where I bought a shared bucket for 2, so 3 pieces of chicken each and 2 packets of chips. We were hungry and it tasted delicious, just right. Now I don't have to cook a dinner this evening, we will just have a cup of tea and a biscuit.
My middle brother is teaching his youngest grandson to ride his little bike and the picture reminded me of how I was taught to ride a bike. I had a tricycle first and they used to be quite big in in those days and I rode it till I was 5or 6 Then it was passed on to my brother. Well my dad was given a bicycle on his milk round and at the weekend his brother, my uncle George came over so they decided to teach me to ride the bike. They took me to the top of our field and put me on the bike, my uncle walked back down to the bottom of the hill and the idea was that he would catch me. The bike was really much too big for me and dad had made 2 big wooden blocks and wired them to the pedals so I could reach them. Well my dad lifted me on and simply gave me a massive push, I went tearing down the hill hell for leather towards my uncle, he took one look at the speed I was rushing down towards him and simply dived out of the way and I shot past at the speed of light straight over a ditch and fell off on a bank covered in nettles. The amazing thing is, that after that I could ride a bike!!

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