Tuesday 14 November 2017


I  didn’t get up till 7*20, H was up and had made the tea and sliced off the bread for my toast. We had our breakfast and then a coffee. I knitted for an hour and then H said we would go out and look at what we are getting each other for our Christmas present. First we went to an electrical shop and bought some new bulbs for our lounge fittings and my standard lamp. After that we went for a coffee and a toasted tea cake. We had to try out the new stretch of road that goes to Norwich airport on the way to look at our present. We were only going to look 👀 but ended up getting it, it’s lovely, should be delivered next week and we can’t wait. I am not saying what it is because my family read this. I was going to make soup for lunch but on the way home I bought 2 cans of tomato soup and some crisps. I knitted all afternoon, had a shower, opened a bottle of wine and made a great spaghetti bolognese for dinner. While we were out I also bought my first Christmas present, it would have been my second but I haven’t given H my half of our present yet.

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